Holy Spirit stood atop a green hill, surrounded by blue cloudy skies
and a field: to the right stood an orderly army of white figures, to the
left a squirly black mass. Raising his arm in a sweeping motion, he
signalled the white army. Sporadically, at first, they shoot fiery
arrows overhead and into the blackness, dispersing it to revealing a
golden pavement. Finally, the Spirit walked into and separated the
blackness like the Red Sea. More and more arrows filled the sky until
they unified into a broad hand that swept the entire black mass away.
21 Nov 2005
I heard and wrote this spelling ... hypocanthus, has something to do with the brain Googled and discovered that this spelling is probably ...
dream I was within a corporate building upon a floor with lots of rooms and offices. Within one of these rooms I was speaking with a y...
adapted from a reflection by Brian Medway & Graeme Hush introduction Over the past twelve years of the Grace Canberra (Grace Chri...
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