I read about and see God's heart, one thing I understand is that we are
meant to be family. Yes, he presents himself and gives people the
option of embracing or rejecting him. But he gives numerous
opportunities to change our mind, our ways. Why? Remember the parable
of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32)? Lost yes, but never not his family.
Does this mean I am personally responsible for them or their choices or actions? No.
But to walk away because they behave in ways I disagree with is no better than the rejections they perform. Likewise to walk away because they treat me poorly is again to reject them as they have rejected us.
How do I want to be treated? How should God treat me?
Put bluntly. Before I accepted Jesus as real, all there was was me. But when I started to hear his voice and feel his heart, all I could see was others. My dilemma is therefore why don't I hear specific day to day things to do? And yet I look at God and at his Son and hope that my choices are filtered through the lens.
Maybe the issue is a default. Maybe I am doing what today's religious leaders are. Seeing them as the way to reach the people. Mediators between people and God. Believing a tactic to change the hearts and minds of church leaders will somehow change others will be successful. Yet, this is a problem because it changes nothing. If I believe people will only change if their leaders do, I simply am propagating the false dependency that already exists.
Please God, forgive me. Help us be your family. Show us how to move forward.