adapted from Churchianity Today by Chip Brogden
Chris Brogden: "It is the position of the author that a believer who is standing on the ground of Christ and has seen the body (church)
cannot but renounce denominationalism. The reason is because we must
receive all whom God receives. If the Life of God is found in them, we
will receive them as brethren (family) and not make peripheral issues the basis of our joining or not joining with them. While we cannot render (give)
support to a church or group which meets on sectarian ground, we can
and will receive the individual members who desire our fellowship on a
basis of Christ. Jesus is building his church upon
the foundation of
himself. This is the only safe ground to build or stand upon."
It is important to distinguish between God's invisible, universal, spiritual church (ecclesia)
and church in the form of a non-profit religious organisation. Sure,
religious groups may assemble, elect leaders, receive money, have
membership requirements, and govern themselves in the manner they see
fit. This is a civil right.
But is this absolute truth, scriptural, or mandated by God?
And either way, who created the ecclesia (church) man or God? Was it intended to be an organisation, an organism, or can the church be both?
aside, whenever we attach spiritual or scriptural significance to
cultural norms, religious traditions, organisational structures, and
places of meeting we tend to blur the line between what we do and who we
are. This opens us to being spiritually abused and ruled, such as
- The pastor of a local church becomes a profession instead of a calling, or
- The church government a democracy or lead by a single pastor or church board instead of being a spirit-led consensus