
6 Jan 2014

5:38 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in , ,
If we believe forgiveness means a certain thing, eg we forgive so as to let things go and feel better, lighter in life ... we need to remember Jesus taught that we are to forgive as Father forgives.  In other words whatever we believe forgiveness is about is how we believe Father forgives.

In this example we are stating and teaching others that God sent his only begotten son so he could feel better about himself.  That Father had some unresolved personal issues he needed letting go of.

Sorry, this does not reflect the rest of his message.

Rather, he sent Jesus so we (the recipients) would be released from eternal death and be able to return to his embrace.  His forgiveness was unconditional.  Hs forgiveness does not require anyone to do anything, yep nothing, to receive it.

So my question is do we forgive people like this?
If Jesus' sacrifice was a once and for action ... doing anything that seeks to forgive us of our sins with a repeated nature does one of two things

1. States we never had faith
2. States Jesus alone is not enough, thus 1 still

How does this apply to certain church denominations

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