
20 Mar 2006

10:56 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in
Posted by Bigfish69 on 10:56 pm | Categories:
A great multitude aged 15-27 and dressed in 1980’s Punk/Goth fashion [1] came into Garema between King O’Malley and Impact Records (Figure). Tables were set up between the two stores to check off names as the people arrived. Though I do not remember the conversation, I asked something of the table attendants authoritatively as walking toward the interchange intersection. Finding it difficult to move against the flow, I stood on my toes to see above the crowd, yet the multitude was greater than I can fathom, continuing to the horizon. 

[1] Makeup, hair: long black trench coats, black hair and eye-lining, as well as white skin, combined with Mohawks, piercing, and heavy jewellery.
heavy jewellery.

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