
1 Oct 2011

9:47 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in , , , ,
Posted by Bigfish69 on 9:47 pm | Categories: , , , ,
We are confronted with a choice: feed our own personal desires or align ourselves with God’s purposes. Are you fighting for your own rights, preferences, opinions, and visions or those of God's? Are you, are we ready and able to do as God requires? (Preparing the Army of God).

Currently, the church is fragmented. It recognises itself as a single unified people in theory only. Christians identify themselves more with where they meet and who they meet with than Christ himself. Listen to how people talk, "Which church do you belong?", "My church is ...", "Are you (insert denomination)?"

Protestant or catholic, pentecostal or charismatic, traditional sunday service or home church. There are so many denominations, movements, and gathering types that it is hardly worth counting. Style, social connections, revelation, doctrine are just some of the building blocks of these differences.

Does God care about any of this? Should we?

The following is a summary of a series of dreams and visions I have had. Whether or not they mean anything is for you to discern. See the links for details.

compassion and oneness
The boundaries separating people from one another will crumble, both within and between churches/parishes as well as between church and community.

preparation and empowerment
God's people being realigned by, with, and to God’s heart and purpose

God desires to transform us from being a scattered people without hope into a nation, called by the his Spirit, protected, equipped, and able to follow command. What does this imply? (scattered bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14)
  • Are God's people scattered today?
  • Yes or no, what does God reveal about being gathered as one people?Is it fair to question the hope the church has?
  • What are the implications of not being protected, equipped, and able to follow what God asks of us in the context of church (local or otherwise)? For who?
  • We need to acknowledge our beliefs and actions, and where needed, apologise, seek forgiveness and pursue God's.
  • We need to let go of self-oriented identity and engage in an identity in Christ.
  • We need to accept responsible for our own choices, actions, growth and stop passing it over to others.
  • We as a people have been presented to God the Father as complete, not with the burden of intimidation, but acceptance.

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