
23 Jan 2012

2:23 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in , , , , ,
Posted by Bigfish69 on 2:23 pm | Categories: , , , , ,
For those of you who sometimes look around and ask if things will ever change, within the structure that is church please remember...
  • There was a time when exile was all the Hebrew nation knew
  • There was once a time when you could have spent money to ease your way and those of your loved ones into heaven
  • There was a time when unless you could understand Latin, God's word was unavailable
  • There was a time when no thought was given to slavery to grow the British crops in the americas
  • There was a time when hospitals and public schools did not exist
  • There was a time when sharing God's word with foreigners was considered worthless
  • There was a time when only a priest could speak to God on your behalf and revelation was for them to share as deemed fit
  • There was a time when prophesying and speaking in tongues was considered of the devil
  • There was a time when only an ordained minister could baptise or marry people
  • There was a time when people believed worship was about singing songs and raising hands
  • A time when the sunday service was central
  • A time when the preacher was central
  • A time when denominations existed
A time...

Be encouraged that while we live during times of limits, the end seems impossible, unwarrented, or unseen, depending upon who you are.  But, when we look back, hindsight always shows us breakthrough.

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