
20 Feb 2012

8:40 am Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in , , , , , , ,
Posted by Bigfish69 on 8:40 am | Categories: , , , , , , ,
Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow for that certainly wouldn't benefit you (Hebrews 13:17).

The following comments are not intended for anyone who lead or instruct people with a focus of wellbeing and growth for their students.  Instead they are for people whose interest is more about being followed (Jude 1).

When it comes to requiring people to do what the leaders of churches ask of them, Hebrews 13:17 (top of page) is the number one bible quote. The way it is then usually applied is:
  • Obey your spiritual leaders, do what they say, because
  • They are accountable to God for watching over your soul
  • Do this so their work is joyous and
  • If they don't feel you are doing as asked, it proves your spiritually immaturity
a moment
Is it possible for a church leader (e.g. pastor, priest, elder) to say something you don't understand?  Is it possible for them to teach something that contradicts what is in the bible? Is it possible for them to ask you to do something that goes against your conscience?

If yes, so should you agree with them anyway, hide your disagreement from others, or ask for clarity and maybe argue the alternative? What is going to help bring understanding: ignoring the disagreement, obeying something you disagree with, or asking questions and discerning intentions behind the request.

a question
Now pretend you have sought clarity from the leader, asked God, read the bible, spoken with others, etc to work out why the disagreement exists and if it is worthwhile to hold your stance.

Then pretend the leaders tells you that your actions and views proove you are immature or rebellious because God has entrusted them to look after you, and as such, ignoring their advice is therefore ignoring God.

Yes, their heart may be in the right place, motivated by the idea that one day they will stand before God and share how they looked after you.  And in a sense this is true (Mt 18:1-10). But it is true for all (leader or otherwise) who choose to point someone else in a direction to follow.

But, how does asking you to do as they say, because they hold a particular role, fit into the broader context of the bible?  Especially considering:
  • God's Spirit is continually reminding and teaching us of everything Jesus taught (Jn 14)
  • We are asked to personally embrace God’s word (Jn 15:1-17)
  • We are encourage to seek God's counsel ourselves (Mt 21:22; Lk 11:1-13)
  • What if God speaks to us directly? (John 14; Mt 1:20, 2:12; Acts 2:17)
  • Are there any other mediators between you and God than Jesus? (1Tim 2:1-7)
Do we ignore these things just because one or more people desire us to listen to them? Furthermore, and ultimately, regardless of the role God gives us:
  • We are all equal and need to treat each other with love and humility (ref)
in other words
Surely humble leaders hope those they nurture will embrace what is shared.  Not because it came from their mouth, but because their heart dwells in God's life.  Also, they would  see their own failings inluding a capactity to misunderstand what God shares or bias it with their own expectations.

Being a leader or instructor of God's ways does not rely upon saying "I am a leader of ..."  Nor does it rely upon people agreeing with you, following your wisdom, or even seeking to be in your presence.  Being a leader simply means encouraging people to seek God and copy him.  Maybe you will get to instruct how to do this.  Maybe not.


What does this have to do with covering and accountability?  Basically, no matter how fine they sound, it is difficult to read anything in scripture to support the way local churches define and apply them.

Covering, in the church, is when a person watches over the well being of another by taking spiritual guidance for the one they are caring for. It tends to operate in a hierarchy of people watching over the ones 'beneath' until the most senior church member is reached, and then God (see figure).  In the case of a local church, this person is the head pastor or priest.  In some denominations, this continues through to leaders from the parent church. A familiar example is the pope of the Catholic church.
Does the bible support any of this?
  • Are we asked to care for one another as community or due to spiritual seniority? (Mt 22:37-40; Jn 15:9-17)
  • Should pastors or any other role be elevated above or to the exclusion of another? (Eph 4; 1Co 13)
  • Should people who instruct others be questioned about what they say? Why? (1Co 12:10; 1Jn 4:1-6)
Yes, we need to listen and consider, but because it is God gifting, not because we owe them something.  Indeed, any gift requires giving without expectation of a return to the person, but to God himself.  Thus the notion of covering seems to be a result of adapting scripture to suit circumstances we created for ourselves.

Accountability is the system where you are watched and held responsible for your actions by someone else.  Therefore, if Christ is our one and only mediator, there cannot be anyone else who can fulfill the role.  Assuch, is it possible for church leaders to perform a 'covering' role without inserting themselves as a mediators.

When you hear someone advise you to work within the system that exists, please query them.  Ask why they are prepared to live in a way God doesn't want just because that's all there is available right now.
  • Should you be accountable?  Yes, but to God alone.  Indeed let your yes be yes and your no be no.
  • Should you submit to people in a role of authority?  Yes, but not due to their title but because they are family.  Likewise submit to everyone.
  • Should we vulnerable to one another?  Yes, but not because of someone's gift, role, experience, etc, but because our freedom was purchased, equally, by the sacrifice Jesus made (Eph 1:3-14)?  What are some examples of how we could be vulnerable to others?  (e.g. Eph 4:32; Gal 6:1-3; Jam 5:16)

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