Posted by Bigfish69 on 7:10 pm | Categories: 4walls, apostolic (general), canberra, church, dreams & visions, equipping, heart of Canberra, prophecy
(Ephesians 4:12-13)
was Saturday (daytime). I was standing out front of a facility that
combined the Australian Institute of Sport (A) and Canberra University
(B) (see figure below). Though Sunday church services were still held
here, albeit with smaller attendances, already half the seats were full
with couples, singles, groups, kids, and older people. Many others
continued to arrive, and some by bus. The region people walked through
was similar to walking from College Road through the Canberra University
car parks onto the campus.
while the pastor was preaching, it was unclear as to whether a guest
speaker was present or not. In the crowd someone spoke of how many were
from the Christian City Church Belconnen; led by Nick at a Pub. A red
haired lady inquired where I was from, to which I responded: “I started
at CCC Dickson PM, then CCC Kaleen (night and day), and now this is my
- This was indeed the history of my church attendances at the time, but I had never spent time at this location
- There is a man named Nick who heads the CCC Belconnen group. It's location is next to door a pub
- Plan is to go speak with this group (date 28 April 2012)
confident! Being part of the Church of Canberra is a destiny of
greatness. God intends that we integrate into a complete body: equipping
people in both mind, body and soul, to be mature disciples who can
discern and apply the abilities they are given.
- Encourage people to pursue the work God calls them to do
- Release apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers so they would, together, equip people to achieve such work (this is why they exist)
- Persist until there is oneness in faith and knowledge in Jesus
- Persevere until God’s people has attained maturity as measured by Christ