
29 Aug 2005

Youth With A Mission (YWAM)

To whom it may concern,

I hope this letter finds you and yours well.

The following information is something I believe I heard for the people of YWAM.

The request was for us to please read Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus.  And as such, it was my understanding that the foundations of the ministry, which is YWAM, have shifted.  The need to equip remains.  But the apostolicness is to increase.

What does this mean?  Basically my understanding is YWAM is (or was in 2005) primarily acts as a ministry which invites people from afar to come and learn how to be missionaries or add to their ‘tool kit’ of being a missionary.  However what I am hearing is a call to, for example, increase
  • from being a ministry of teachers to one of empowering a missional community
  • from inviting students to a centralised base to going out to where people are
  • from teaching those with a call to empowering those who have been called, even before they themselves know they have been
It is not my intent to suggest that you are not already doing these things.  Not at all.  Simply to encourage you to continue seeking God in all manners relating to Him and His Kingdom.

If you would like to question me on any of what was shared here, I would be more than happy to make myself available for you:

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