
5 Aug 2007

2:00 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in
Posted by Bigfish69 on 2:00 pm | Categories:
adapted from Churchianity Today by Chip Brogden

Doctrinal support ... generates the right to expect members to adhere to the stated spiritual philosophy and teachings of the church and/or denomination

When it comes to doctrine, denominations tend to make big things out of small issues. We agree everyone who names Christ as Lord should agree on major tenets of faith (e.g. fall of man, inspiration of the Scriptures, deity of Jesus, His resurrection, etc). Yet tracing the histories of the thousands of denominations reveals most began by emphasising one doctrine, method, or means of grace to the exclusion of all others. It is inappropriate to claim one particular expression of faith as the outcome of Christianity and make it a condition for salvation or a prerequisite for fellowship. This is sectarianism, a thing which God has expressed a passionate hatred for.

Examples of this include believing:
  • People are unsaved if they don't join your particular fellowship or adopt your particular nuance of Biblical interpretation.
  • Christians who don't regularly attend church services are either not truly saved or backslidden.  (Thus going to church is the de facto standard by which the spiritual lives of people are judged. As such, a good Christian is faithful in some institutional church capacity. This is nothing more than salvation by works).
  • People who give views independent to those of the pastor have a rebellious spirit needing to be bound or cast out, or, have have some hidden, unconfessed sin holding them back.
  • People who don't respond to altar calls are "not serious about God.”
  • Anyone who is on the cutting edge of what God is doing will come on board with the latest revival, movement, or spiritual teaching.
To therefore threaten a spiritual result or consequence for failing to live up to the expectations of the group or the leadership, when in fact no such spiritual consequence exists, is a blatant abuse of religious authority.  Examples include: “If you don’t pay your tithes God will not bless your finances" or "Your love of God is reflected by how regularly you attend church services."

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