
5 Aug 2007

2:08 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in , , , , ,
Posted by Bigfish69 on 2:08 pm | Categories: , , , , ,
adapted from Churchianity Today by Chip Brogden

Why do people usually join an organisation such as a club?

Usually it is because we can justify the price paid for becoming a member by the benefits we will get by belonging.  However, we need to remember that the organisation itself also benefits.  For instance, a sports club benefits charging and collecting dues from its membership to pay for staff, executive officers, facilities, marketing, other projects, etc.

Likewise, whether realistic, fair, or scripturally justified when we choose to "join a local church"  that church, if operating as an organised religion, will gain from your membership by expecting:
  • Financial support       Members are expected to make donations in the form of tithes, offerings, love gifts, fundraisers, pledges, building funds, etc
  • Leadership support    Members are expected to agree with the stated mission of the local church and its pastor
  • Doctrinal support        Members are expected to adhere to the stated spiritual philosophy and teachings of the church and/or denomination
  • Attendance support   Members are expected to be present at a majority of services and functions
  • Volunteer support      Members are expected to donate their time and volunteer in whatever capacity is needed
  • Also, the church has greater control over its membership by meting out discipline when someone goes astray in one or more of the above areas
THEN, in return for this allegiance, members, the people of the congregation may receive:
  • A vote in major decisions (e.g. picking a pastor),
  • A say-so in some financial matters,
  • The privilege of being in leadership (e.g. Sunday school teacher, worship leader, etc.)
Is getting a small part in the political process of church government a fair exchange for the time, money, cooperation and amount of individual control you must relinquish?

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