
5 Aug 2007

2:02 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in , , , , ,
Posted by Bigfish69 on 2:02 pm | Categories: , , , , ,
adapted from Churchianity Today by Chip Brogden

To truly come out of organised religion requires more than deciding to meet in homes or resolving to do away with the external trappings of Churchianity. Many claim to have escaped because they no longer attend church services.  But the reality is they are still living an institutional lifestyle. They have only exchanged one form of religious bondage for another.

Freedom cannot merely be reacting to the obvious wrongs perpetuated in the name of God by organised religion. It is quite possible to be out of the system but still be bound by it, still chained by bitterness and fixated with all that is wrong with the body.

Our whole goal should be to look beyond the external characteristics of how and where people worship. The only way to do this is to have an all-consuming revelation of Christ and the ecclesia, the Body, his church. Once we see that, we will understand that the external accessories of organised religion can neither help nor truly hurt.

Perhaps the fear is that once we are escaped from Churchianity we may be deceived again.  Not so with the one who has seen Christ and his church. Anyone who attempts to lord over, corral, enclose, intimidate, manipulate, unlawfully influence, or exert their spiritual whims upon us will be rebuffed with a calm, quiet spirit. Knowing the truth means seeing through the false.

Do you know something is wrong, but are unable to express what it is?

Rejoice!  This is alright.  God is not silent when something is said or done in his name that he doesn't support (e.g. a televangelist begging for more money, pastors who treat people with contempt, or prophets who speak out of personal imagination).

Are you a member of a local church and accept all that goes on there without being troubled?  Are you able to shrug it off or lightly dismiss it?

Sorry, you are far gone.  Your heart is hard.  Your ears are dull. You are blind like the Pharisees.  Your christianity may be nominal at best.  Even if you are part of a perfect local church, sorry.  The fact the church is isolated from all the others indicates a level of dysfunction.

Are you troubled by all that is proclaimed, confessed, bought and sold, taught, prophesied, promoted, and prayed about these days in Jesus’ name?

The Lord does not take it all in stride, or shrug it off. The responses of Jesus to the organised religionists of his day were many and varied. We find him ...
  • Driving the merchants out of the Temple with a scourge of cords
  • Engaging in public rejections of the Pharisees, holding them up as shining examples of what not to do
  • Being silent, hiding or departing

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