
18 Apr 2011

Read Ephesians 4
  • Christ gave the church apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
  • Why?
    › To equip God’s people so they can to do his work and build up the church.
  • Why?
    › Because as each does their own special work, it helps others grow, enabling the whole church to be healthy, grow, and full of love.
  • How long will this continue?
    › Until we all come to unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son. That is, we are mature, full and complete like Christ.
    › We are no longer influenced by false teachings that sound like the truth. Instead we will speak the truth in love, growing more like Christ.
It is sometimes suggested that God gives people, specifically christians, spiritual gifts. Examples of these are found in the New Testament, with Ephesians 4 (above), Romans 12, and 1 Corinthians 12 being the main ones. This list is probably not an exhaustive one. Please note that each of these three all are introduced by a description of the unity and diversity in the body of Christ.

who are God's gifts for?
A quick definition is that the gifts God gives enable his people to do the things he needs to happen.
  • Does this mean they are spiritual or practical gifts?
  • Does God only give them to church people or anyone who follows Jesus Christ?
  • Are they for the benefit of the person who is given the gift or for someone else?
The purpose of this message is to explore the third question: are the gifts God gives for the person he gives them to or for others.
People who suggest God's gifts, spiritual or otherwise, and whoever they are given to, are for the benefit of the receiver tend to justify this by claiming that having a gift:
  • Gives you purpose; gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning
  • Helps you in personal ways (worship, understand people, heal, etc)
  • Enables you to feel special or even loved
  • Helps improve you intellectually and/or morally
  • Proves you are 'saved' or 'filled by God's spirit'
  • Helps increase your power and influence or helps draw attention to your importance

What is common between the following passages of the bible (1Co12:7; Eph 4:12; 1Pe 4:10)? Do they recommend seeking gifts from God to benefit yourself or others?

So are any of these reasons valid? Yes, all except the last wherein attention needs to be directed to God as they are his gifts, his power, his influence. And yet the yes is a qualified yes. A trumpet does not own the breath given it anymore than we do what is given us. The air does not belong to the trumpet. The gift is not yours. Nor is the input of the air what was intended, rather the sound out the other end. The music.

Moreover, if the music cannot be heard, no matter how gifted the musician, what was the point? So could be said of God's gifts. He invests them in you so others can be affected. And in the case of Ephesians 4, he enables some to equip others, who may then affect even more.

 The question then is who are these other people?

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