
3 Oct 2011

Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Such people are not serving Christ; they are serving their own personal interests. (Romans 16:17-18)

 features of a sectarian church group
  • Members point to the importance of their group and/or leader instead of Christ alone.
  • They claim to support the universal church, the body of Christ, but in practice promote structures and attitudes that lead to their own isolation.
  • They may claim their group possesses “the real truth”
  • The ministers/leaders claim to be the ones God reveals things to. People are either not encouraged to listen or understand God for themself, or told there are certain things God speaks to the leaders alone.
  • The praise and warmth people receive when they first join continues only as long as they follow what is expected of them.
  • Other groups of believers (Christians) are criticised or mocked.
  • A belief exists that “our group” can’t learn from others who do/see things differently.
  • People and groups who disagree with them are slandered.
  • People and groups who reject their version of the truth are viewed as dishonest, insincere, offensive, immature, not living right, etc.
  • Anyone and any group who don’t accept their teaching are cut off or isolated.
  • Ministers/leaders control the way people live and their activities by requiring permission to do things or expecting direct input.
  • They are typically not upfront about their core beliefs.
how to avoid joining a sectarian group
  • Ask people and the leaders of the church why people leave their group.
  • Ask to be able to speak with the last 3 families that left.
  • Ask who God speaks to within their group and whether people are encouraged to understand what he says. Ask how and who teaches people how to hear God clearly.
  • Are people freely encouraged to share what they believe God is saying? How?
  • Ask how interaction with other church members outside their group is encouraged. Is action left to the leaders or for anyone?
dangers of joining a sectarian group
  • They will replace the guidance of the Holy Spirit with their own, or of the ministry, or church, and claim to be the voice of the Lord.
  • You will be influenced to have prejudice and intolerance toward other Christians.
  • You will be influenced to invite people to belong to the church group, instead of Christ.
  • Your spiritual and day to day life will become controlled.
  • Their ministers may try to lead your family.
  • If you query or speak against the group, your family may have wedges placed between its members.
  • If you leave, they may expect your children and spouse to stay.
  • If you leave, they may deal with you unfairly and harshly.

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