
30 Dec 2013

4:51 pm Posted by Bigfish69 Posted in
Do you ever say anything that is not 100% true? Do you ever behave selfishly?  Do you ever do or say things which show favour to one person over another?

If the answer to these examples is even yes, 1%, and you are likely to do this even in thought, then ...

And if it is true that if you break even one of God,s laws you break the all, then ...

It is impossible to do or say anything to fix this situation.  You could spend the rest of your life doing this or doing that to improve your behaviour, but it would still be but filthy rags(ref).

This is not to say that it is important to try and treat people and yourself more lovingly, better if you like.

But to believe that you can do something to make you relationship with God better is foolish at best.  It also states that you do not need Ch (ref) who himself claimed to be all that as needed (ref)

29 Dec 2013

This was shared with Matt McGaw and inspired him to come to Canberra, Australia.

"The church in Canberra is in need of genuine fellowship"

However, his report is that after speaking with two or three local churches he gave up and decided to develop his own congregation.

Why?  Because those he spoke with did not want to take up the revelation

What happened when others who did support him approached him?  He told them he was not interested in working with them.

Unfortunately this is sometimes the way when God speaks to those willing to hear him, not all are willing or capable of pursuing things his way.  They come with agendas and therefore filter the world and the people in it.  

It is difficult to understand in situations such as this how people can claim to desire genuine authentic fellowship but feel rejected by those who do not want it and reject those who do.

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